Vegetarian stuffed cherry tomatoes with mozzarella

When it comes to appetizers, few things can rival the burst of flavor and freshness that comes with vegetarian stuffed cherry tomatoes. This delightful dish combines the sweetness of cherry tomatoes with the creamy richness of mozzarella, all packed into bite-sized morsels that are perfect for any occasion.

Whether you’re hosting a dinner party, attending a potluck, or simply craving a flavorful snack, these stuffed cherry tomatoes are sure to impress.

At the heart of this culinary masterpiece lies the humble cherry tomato, a miniature gem bursting with tangy sweetness.

These petite fruits serve as the perfect vessel for a tantalizing filling that elevates them from mere hors d’oeuvres to culinary delights.

The creamy richness of fresh mozzarella, delicately accented by aromatic basil leaves and piquant garlic, creates a filling that is both luxurious and comforting.

How to make Vegetarian stuffed cherry tomatoes with mozzarella

In the culinary world, few pleasures rival the burst of flavors that accompany the first bite of a meticulously crafted appetizer. Among these culinary delights stands a dish that embodies elegance, simplicity, and above all, exquisite taste: vegetarian stuffed cherry tomatoes with mozzarella. This appetizer, with its vibrant colors, fresh ingredients, and harmonious flavors, is a testament to the artistry of vegetarian cuisine.

Vegetarian stuffed cherry tomatoes with mozzarella

In the culinary world, few pleasures rival the burst of flavors that accompany the first bite of a meticulously crafted appetizer. Among these culinary delights stands a dish that embodies elegance, simplicity, and above all, exquisite taste: vegetarian stuffed cherry tomatoes with mozzarella. This appetizer, with its vibrant colors, fresh ingredients, and harmonious flavors, is a testament to the artistry of vegetarian cuisine.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Appetizer, Breakfast
Cuisine American
Servings 20


  • 24 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 cup fresh mozzarella, diced into small pieces
  • ¼ cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Prepare the Cherry Tomatoes:

  • Wash the cherry tomatoes and pat them dry with a paper towel.
  • Slice off the tops of each cherry tomato and discard them. Using a small spoon or a melon baller, carefully scoop out the seeds and pulp from each tomato, creating small cups. Set aside.

Prepare the Filling:

  • In a bowl, combine the diced mozzarella, chopped basil, minced garlic, and extra virgin olive oil. Mix well to ensure all the ingredients are evenly distributed.
  • Season the filling mixture with salt and pepper to taste.

Stuff the Cherry Tomatoes:

  • Using a small spoon, carefully fill each hollowed-out cherry tomato with the mozzarella mixture, pressing gently to pack it in.

Chill (Optional):

  • If you have time, you can chill the stuffed cherry tomatoes in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.


  • Arrange the stuffed cherry tomatoes on a serving platter and garnish with additional fresh basil leaves, if desired.
  • Serve immediately and enjoy!


Keyword Easiest Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes Appetizer, Easy Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes (Dairy-free), How to make Caprese Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes Recipe, Mozzarella and Basil Stuffed Tomatoes, Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes, Vegetarian stuffed cherry tomatoes with mozzarella

Frequently Ask Question-

Are cherry tomatoes high in sugar?

Cherry tomatoes are relatively low in sugar compared to other fruits. They contain about 3-4 grams of sugar per 100 grams serving, making them a healthier option. However, their sweetness can vary depending on factors like ripeness and variety.

Are cherry tomatoes healthier than normal tomatoes?

Cherry tomatoes are generally considered to be equally healthy as regular tomatoes. Both varieties are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, such as vitamin C and lycopene. While their nutrient profiles are similar, cherry tomatoes may offer slightly more concentrated nutrients due to their smaller size.

What is the difference between tomatoes and cherry tomatoes?

The primary difference between tomatoes and cherry tomatoes lies in their size and shape. Regular tomatoes are larger and typically round or oblong, while cherry tomatoes are much smaller and round, resembling cherries. Despite their size difference, both varieties belong to the same species and offer similar nutritional benefits.

What is the best combo with tomatoes?

One of the best combos with tomatoes is fresh basil and mozzarella. This classic trio, known as Caprese, creates a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. The sweetness of tomatoes pairs perfectly with the creamy richness of mozzarella and the aromatic freshness of basil, creating a culinary delight.

Can we eat curd and tomato together?

Yes, curd (yogurt) and tomatoes can be eaten together. They are often combined in dishes like raita, where yogurt serves as a base and tomatoes add freshness and flavor. The tanginess of yogurt complements the acidity of tomatoes, creating a delicious and nutritious combination.

What 2 foods should not be eaten together?

Two foods that should generally not be eaten together are fish and dairy. Consuming them together may lead to digestive discomfort due to conflicting digestion times and potential interactions. It’s advisable to avoid combining them in the same meal to promote optimal digestion and avoid potential health issues.

What vegetables should not be refrigerated?

Certain vegetables are best stored outside the refrigerator to maintain their flavor and texture. Examples include potatoes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, and winter squash. Refrigeration can cause these vegetables to lose their flavor, become mushy, or develop off-flavors. Store them in a cool, dry place instead.

How do you keep cherry tomatoes fresh longer?

To keep cherry tomatoes fresh longer, store them at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. Avoid refrigerating them, as this can diminish their flavor and texture. Place them in a single layer in a breathable container or on a countertop, and consume them within a few days for optimal freshness.

What are cherry tomatoes best for?

Cherry tomatoes are versatile and ideal for various culinary uses. They’re perfect for snacking, adding vibrant color and flavor to salads, pasta dishes, and appetizers like bruschetta or Caprese skewers. Their small size also makes them suitable for garnishing dishes or incorporating into sauces and salsas.

Why am I obsessed with cherry tomatoes?

Your obsession with cherry tomatoes may stem from their irresistible combination of sweetness, juiciness, and convenience. Their vibrant color and poppable size make them fun to eat, while their versatility allows for endless culinary creativity. Plus, their nutritional benefits may contribute to your desire for these tasty little fruits.

What is the black stuff inside my tomatoes?

The black stuff inside your tomatoes could be mold, especially if it appears as dark patches or spots. Mold can develop due to improper storage conditions or if the tomatoes are overripe. It’s best to discard tomatoes with mold to avoid potential health risks.

Can stomach digest tomato seeds?

Yes, the stomach can digest tomato seeds. Tomato seeds, like many other seeds, are surrounded by a protective coating that allows them to pass through the digestive system intact. However, they may be broken down or eliminated during digestion, depending on individual factors such as chewing and digestive efficiency.

Which fruit is best for sleep?

Tart cherries are often regarded as one of the best fruits for promoting sleep. They are a natural source of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Consuming tart cherry juice or whole cherries before bedtime may help improve sleep quality and duration due to their melatonin content.

Which fruit is best to eat at night?

Bananas are an excellent choice for a nighttime snack. They are rich in potassium and magnesium, which can help relax muscles and promote sleep. Additionally, bananas contain natural sugars and fiber, providing sustained energy and satiety without causing spikes in blood sugar levels before bedtime.

When should I not eat tomatoes?

Individuals with certain health conditions like acid reflux or GERD may want to avoid eating tomatoes, especially raw or in large amounts, as they can exacerbate symptoms. Additionally, those with tomato allergies should avoid them altogether. Otherwise, tomatoes can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet for most people.

Can you eat too many cherry tomatoes?

While cherry tomatoes are nutritious, consuming excessive amounts may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort due to their high fiber content. Additionally, overconsumption of any food can contribute to an imbalance in nutrient intake. Enjoy cherry tomatoes in moderation as part of a varied and balanced diet for optimal health.

How do you eat cherry tomatoes?

Cherry tomatoes can be eaten raw as a snack or added to salads, sandwiches, and wraps for extra flavor and crunch. They’re also delicious roasted, grilled, or sautéed in pasta dishes, sauces, and appetizers. Their versatility makes them a delightful addition to a wide range of savory dishes.

Is it healthy to eat cherry tomatoes everyday?

Eating cherry tomatoes daily can be part of a healthy diet, as they are low in calories and rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, variety is key for a balanced diet, so it’s beneficial to include a diverse range of fruits and vegetables in your daily meals.

Should a diabetic eat cherry tomatoes?

Cherry tomatoes can be a part of a diabetic’s diet as they are low in calories and carbohydrates. However, it’s important for diabetics to monitor their overall carbohydrate intake and blood sugar levels. Consulting with a healthcare professional or dietitian for personalized dietary advice is recommended.

Is it OK to eat cucumbers and tomatoes together?

Yes, it’s perfectly fine to eat cucumbers and tomatoes together. They complement each other well in salads, sandwiches, and various dishes, offering a refreshing combination of flavors and textures. Both vegetables are low in calories and rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a healthy choice when consumed together.

Does cheese go with tomatoes?

Yes, cheese pairs wonderfully with tomatoes. The combination of creamy cheese and juicy tomatoes creates a harmonious balance of flavors and textures. Whether it’s mozzarella in a Caprese salad, feta in a Greek salad, or goat cheese in a bruschetta, cheese enhances the taste of tomatoes in various culinary preparations.

Why do cherry tomatoes say do not refrigerate?

Cherry tomatoes are best stored at room temperature to maintain their flavor, texture, and nutritional quality. Refrigeration can cause them to lose their taste and become mushy. Storing cherry tomatoes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight helps preserve their freshness and prolongs their shelf life.

Why not put tomatoes in fridge?

Tomatoes should not be refrigerated because cold temperatures can alter their texture and flavor, making them mealy and bland. Additionally, refrigeration can cause tomatoes to lose some of their nutritional value. Storing tomatoes at room temperature helps preserve their taste, juiciness, and nutritional benefits.

What are the healthiest tomatoes to eat?

The healthiest tomatoes to eat include varieties rich in antioxidants and vitamins, such as cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, and heirloom tomatoes. These tomatoes typically have a higher concentration of nutrients, including vitamin C, lycopene, and beta-carotene, which offer various health benefits, including immune support and cancer prevention.

Are cherry tomatoes superfood?

While not classified as a “superfood,” cherry tomatoes are highly nutritious. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, contributing to overall health and well-being. Their low calorie content and abundance of beneficial nutrients make them a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

How many tomatoes can I eat a day?

The number of tomatoes you can safely eat per day depends on individual factors such as overall diet, health status, and personal preferences. Generally, consuming a moderate amount, such as 1-2 medium-sized tomatoes, is considered healthy and provides beneficial nutrients without excessive calorie intake.

Which is better grape tomatoes or cherry tomatoes?

Both grape tomatoes and cherry tomatoes offer similar nutritional benefits and versatility in culinary applications. The choice between them often comes down to personal preference for size, shape, and flavor. Some prefer the sweeter taste and round shape of cherry tomatoes, while others favor the oblong shape and firmer texture of grape tomatoes.

Does removing seeds from tomatoes reduce acidity?

Removing seeds from tomatoes doesn’t significantly reduce acidity. While some believe that seeds contribute to tomato acidity, the majority of acidity is found in the flesh. Removing seeds may alter the texture but doesn’t significantly affect the overall acidity level of tomatoes.

Is it OK to eat cherry tomatoes with green seeds?

Yes, it is generally safe to eat cherry tomatoes with green seeds. The green color indicates that the tomato is not fully ripe, but it is still edible. However, the flavor and texture may not be as developed as in fully ripened tomatoes, so personal preference may vary.

Why do chefs remove tomato seeds?

Chefs often remove tomato seeds to improve the texture and appearance of dishes. Tomato seeds can be gritty and contain excess moisture, which may dilute flavors or create an undesirable texture in certain dishes. Removing seeds can enhance the overall culinary experience.

Should fresh cherry tomatoes be refrigerated?

Fresh cherry tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for optimal flavor and texture. Refrigeration can cause them to lose flavor and become mealy. However, if you’ve cut into cherry tomatoes and have leftovers, it’s advisable to refrigerate them in an airtight container for up to 2-3 days.

Do cherry tomatoes keep better in the fridge?

Cherry tomatoes generally keep better at room temperature rather than in the fridge. Refrigeration can cause them to lose flavor and become mushy. However, if they are fully ripe and you need to extend their shelf life, storing them in the fridge can slow down the ripening process and keep them fresh for a few extra days.

How long to boil cherry tomatoes to remove skin?

To remove the skin from cherry tomatoes, you can blanch them in boiling water for about 30-60 seconds, or until the skins start to split. Then, transfer them to an ice water bath to stop the cooking process. The skins should easily peel off after this brief blanching.

Can you eat cherry tomatoes raw?

Yes, cherry tomatoes are commonly eaten raw and are delicious when fresh. Their sweet and tangy flavor, along with their juicy texture, makes them perfect for salads, snacks, and appetizers. They can also be added to sandwiches, wraps, or enjoyed on their own for a refreshing and nutritious treat.


vegetarian stuffed cherry tomatoes with mozzarella are a true culinary delight that embodies simplicity, freshness, and flavor. Whether served as an appetizer, a side dish, or a light snack, these bite-sized treats are sure to leave a lasting impression on your taste buds. With their vibrant colors, exquisite taste, and effortless preparation, they are the perfect addition to any gathering or mealtime spread. So why not treat yourself and your loved ones to the irresistible allure of these vegetarian stuffed cherry tomatoes? Your taste buds will thank you.

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